2010 review: September

2010 review - September

Next up in our review of 2010 are the five most popular stories from September. Number one was Residence in Kurakuen by NRM-Architects Office of Japan, featuring a staircase with treads cantilevering over a pool on the first-floor terrace.

2010 review - September

At number two was Mimesis Museum of modern art in South Korea by architects Álvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Jun Sung Kim.

2010 review - September

Thin Black Lines, a collection of black wire furniture by Japanese studio Nendo, came in third.

2010 review - September

In fourth place was this disused army headquarters in Shanghai, transformed into a hotel called The Waterhouse South Bund by Chinese architects NHDRO.

2010 review - September

Fifth most-viewed was 360 House in Madrid by Spanish architects Subarquitectura, with its spiralling roof.

See all our stories from September 2010 »
See also:

January 2010 review
February 2010 review
March 2010 review
April 2010 review
May 2010 review
June 2010 review
July 2010

See our review of 2009 »
See our review of 2008 »

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