2001 A Space Odyssey + Star Trek = ai3’s SuperGroup Office


Atlanta-based ai3, the same interior design/architecture firm that worked on the new Holiday Inn lobby, also designed this office space for marketing agency The SuperGroup. The main entrance corridor is straight out of Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, complete with their own monolith at the end of the tunnel, while the doors to the conference room are pure original Star Trek.



I love the fact that beyond the office being a well-designed space, it is also an experience. Your walk into the office is an experience; your first encounter with the SuperGroup-branded monolith is an experience; opening the doors to the conference is an experience. This is the true power of architecture: to influence the context of the world we live in, both in our physical interactions and in our capacity to dream and think creatively. I know that I, for one, would function much more dynamically in a space like this than a drab office building.



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