112 DIY Projects: a little round-up with Bookhou


{1. alphabet poster  2. shadow box 3. drawing bug 4. fabric collage 5. extended landscape 6. paint textures }

Last week I did a little round-up of all the DIY projects I share almost weekly over at BloesemKids… and there I was assuming that every visitor of Bloesem knows about my other blog B:Kids I noticed via comments, tweets and emails that not all of you know,  so I am going to do another round up today of previous DIY projects posted on BKids … The special thing about today is that all the DIY projects come from one single women … Arounna Khounnoraj from Bookhou … she and I met each other when I was living in Toronto and a couple of years ago she had a little bit more time to create DIY projects for BKids. 

I am super happy for Arounna and her family that their label, Bookhou, is going so extremely well and I hope one day I can stop by their brick and morter shop in Toronto.

And please don't miss today's DIY project: a secret message with decoder

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