$100,000 Print Stolen from Designer Marc Ecko’s Studio

Speaking of thievery, as we were in that last post, here’s something a bit more direct. Two weeks ago, though only being reported now, a man sneaked into fashion designer Marc Ecko‘s studio in Manhattan and stole the print “Untitled (Calvin Klein)” by the artist Kaws. NY1 reports that the thief knew the door code to the building, entered with a poster tube under his arm, lifted the print and then stuffed it into the tube while hiding in a bathroom before hightailing it back out into the street. The Kaws print is said to be worth roughly $100,000 and Ecko’s most recent blog posts have laid out information about the case, currently being investigated by the NYPD. Here’s all the info about the suspect:

The suspect is described as being a white male between 20 and 40 years old, approximately 5’11″ tall with a thin build and a mustache. He was wearing a dark green hoodie, blue jeans, a tan baseball hat with dark sunglasses and running sneakers. Police say he was also carrying a dark backpack at the time.

Anyone with information about the case is being asked to contact Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-577-TIPS, by texting TIP577 to CRIMES, or by [visiting their website]

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