‘Rapture Series’ of Dance Atop Frank Gehry’s Buildings Moving Forward, Launch Planned for 2013

Even if you don’t know dance all that well, it’s likely that you know the work of Noemie Lafrance, at the very least from her choreography for Fiest‘s “1, 2, 3, 4″ music video. You might also remember hearing about her project, the “Rapture Series,” when it debuted atop the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts in New York in the fall of 2008. First being commissioned to dance atop that Frank Gehry building (using sets of rigs for dancers, allowing them to hang off the side of the sloping building), Lafrance planned to expand the series by choreographing dances across 10 of Gehry’s buildings around the world. Though we haven’t heard much about the project since then, in this recent video interview with the BBC, she’s released a few more details, offering a peek at what’s to come. First, she says that the completed project is set to launch sometime in 2013. Second, that launch seems as though it will be connected to a performance atop Gehry’s IAC Building in New York, where “a large amount of dancers, inside and outside of the building, and also use video mapping projections.” It’s not a ton more information, but it’s nice to hear the project is still alive and well and we’re eager to see what comes of it just over a year from now. Here are some clips from that debut performance from 2008:

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