What Not to Wear‘s Stacy London Takes Your Fashion Questions

With over a decade of fashion and styling experience as an editor at Vogue, correspondent for Today, and co-host of TLC’s What Not to Wear, has Stacy London ever given out bad advice? Like saying those white pantyhose were a don’t, only to see someone like Gwen Stefani make it a why-didn’t-I-think-of-that do?

“No, I’m never wrong,” London said jokingly in our Media Beat interview. “No, not about other people’s style. But my style? Oh, boy, have I made mistakes.”

“Everybody makes fashion mistakes… and they’re not even really mistakes. There is no failure [in fashion],” she continued. “The fact is fashion and style really is about confidence. You can’t make a mistake if you’re confident enough in yourself to pull things off.”

London also answered some questions from our @mediabistroTV followers on jeans for real women, the white watch trend, and how to dress for “day to night fabulousness.”

You can also watch this video on YouTube.

Part 1: Stacy London: ‘It’s not just about the clothes. It’s about the psychology behind them’

Part 3: Wednesday, London reveals her biggest career challenge and gives tips to aspiring fashionistas.

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