Vulture Magazine

Bloesem Living | Vulture Magazine

Clifford Loh, the managing editor and one of the founders of Vulture magazine, has been a long time friend of mine and I am so proud of what he and his team has accomplished! 

Based in SIngapore, Vulture is an independent space to explore ideas that would influence a new establishment of a younger creative class. Aiming to empower a partnership between art, design, music and people to bring a new consciousness to the masses.

It's admirable how young the team behind Vulture magazine is and how much they have achieved in such a short span of time.

The magazine recently celebrated their first birthday with a party in collaboration with marc jacobs, and both Irene and I are so grateful to have been invited to celebrate this milestone. It was a fun night of drinks, music and art at 72-13.  You can see snaps of the event on the marc jacobs site, as well as Vulture's instagram. …. read more …. 

Bloesem Living | Vulture Magazine


Bloesem Living | Vulture Magazine

Bloesem Living | Vulture Magazine

Bloesem Living | Vulture Magazine

In the latest issue (available in the itunes app store for download on to your ipad), Vulture featured the styling works of Bella Koh, who is known as @catslavery on instagram. I won't say too much about the feature but wow, Bella really has a talent when it comes to food styling. We first chanced upon her works on instagram, and could not be happier when we saw her collaboration with vulture in this issue. Not only are the shots of the food amazing, most of her pictures are #homemade, impressive!

Bloesem would just like to congratulate Vulture magazine on a great first year and hoping for many more to come!  ~ Zara S. 

Images are by Cat Slavery and Zara S. 

.. Vulture magazine 


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