Unitasker Wednesday: Light Up Toilet Seat

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Whenever I’m cleaning the toilet in my house, I think to myself, “This toilet really could use something to brighten it up.”

I’m sure you think the exact same thing about your toilet. Toilet darkness is a major concern for most people. And, I think we all know that bleach will never be able to brighten our toilets the way we need them to be illuminated.

Well, our days of having toilets that loom in the shadows are gone. We can now install a Light Up Toilet Seat:

For all your lighted toilet seat needs (of which I can’t think of any), the Light Up Toilet Seat is there for you.

Thanks go to reader C. for finding this unitasker and sharing it with us.

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