Tonight: Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club presents James M. Harrison


Tonight, Core77 welcomes James M. Harrison, Architect and Sculptor to our bi-weekly creative speaker series: The Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Tuesday, Nov. 8th
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209

“The Earth Is Not Up To Code”

A dispassionate investigation into the suitability of planet earth for human habitation reveals 1023 building code violations.

From ‘Violations of Shape’ to ‘Violations Based on Natural Malice’, the entire range of geological transgressions will be systematically categorized into a rigorous framework. Using this framework it will be possible to devise strategies for clearing the backlog of violations with bureaucratic efficiency.


James M Harrison has made a career of taking the craft practices of one genre and incorrectly breeding them with the craft practices of a different genre.


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