To Advance Micro-Living Designs, Have Design Students Live in Tiny, Unfurnished Spaces. Yea or Nay?


You’ve heard the expression that [American] football is a game of inches. So, increasingly, is living in Manhattan.

This video of Luke Clark Tyler’s apartment (captured by Kirsten Dirksen’s Fair Companies) has racked up nearly two million hits, and for good reason: Tyler downsized from his previous 96-square-foot palace to shoehorn his life into a 78-square-foot studio. But what really makes this video distinct from other “tiny living” vids we’ve seen, and what should be of interest to the Core77 reader, is that Tyler is a trained architect who can design, build and install his own things, like his sideways Murphy Bed.


Also observe the little details, like how he’s using eyehooks as toothbrush- and razor-holders and how the bottle-stays on his shelves are just wooden dowels held in place by two carefully-placed sheetrock screws on either side.


This is giving us a potentially cruel idea for design education—but before we get to that, watch the vid:



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