This is Paper

Bloesem Living | This is paper magazine

"Simplicity is king in everything we do. Fashion isn't." …  according to Alexander + Zuzanna. The founders of the ThisisPaper shop and the creative brains behind the gorgeous artsy magazine that was founded in 2012. 

I ordered the magazine for our creative space here in Singapore and hope the SIngaporeans will enjoy this magazine just as much as I do. It really encourage us to have a look at the simple and basic things around us… appreciate and treasure them. 

Bloesem Living | This is paper magazine

Bloesem Living | This is paper magazine

Bloesem Living | This is paper magazine

Isn't it super cool that each magazine is numbered and there are only 1000 copies available in the whole wide world! We have 10 copies in the Bloesem Space … come down soon and get your number!


..This is Paper magazine


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