Things That Look Like Other Things: Hella Ballou


While the UK’s Pylon Design Competition considered the standard wire-supporting towers dotting the landscape to be eyesores, Californian Daniel Ballou has found their clear utility pleasant enough for a smaller-scale task: Desktop cable management.


“There are hundreds of miles of power lines strung across the California desert landscape,” he observes. “A miniaturized version in bent, chromed wire works well for the desk.”

Pylons aren’t the only thing in Ballou’s SoCal environment to provide a source of inspiration.

Living and working in Long Beach means watching 80,066,130 tons of cargo come in and out of the city every year. The ubiquitous metal storage container is everywhere. Everyone in the industrialized world knows the iconic container, and many see them on a daily basis.


Here, you have a ceramic version scaled to become a useful storage container for the home. It’s likely that whatever is stored inside, has seen the inside of a cargo container before. A reminder of what goes around the world and makes the world go round for the last 50 years.


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