Year in Construction

Voici une sélection de photographies de chantiers de construction initiée par Engineering News-Record au cours de l’année 2012. De superbes images réunies sous le nom « Year in Construction » et proposées afin de mettre en avant ces acteurs de la construction de bâtiments. A découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Birds of Aperture

Voici Paul Octavious, un photographe et designer américain basé à Chicago qui nous propose une série appelée « Birds of Aperture ». Reprenant des modèles d’appareils photos anciens et leur donnant vie grâce à l’ajout d’ailes d’oiseaux, ces images très réussies sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Will Cell Phone Cameras, DSLRs and Crowdsourcing Find the Boston Bomber?

[Ed. Note: As commenter Rukka notes, the man in the photos below has since been absolved of suspicion as of Thursday, April 18, when the FBI released images of the suspects.]


By now you’ve all seen the photo, above, highlighting the difference between the papal announcement in ’05 versus the one from this year. At one point some design team figured out they could wedge a tiny camera into a cell phone, and it changed everything; anytime anything of note happens, the first thing people do is whip out their phones to record it.

As we mentioned in an earlier post, that means we internet denizens now get to see footage of things we couldn’t have twenty years ago, like the disaster in Japan. In a country with cell phone penetration that high, hundreds of citizen journalists were snapping pics and video, which helped drive home to the rest of the world how terrible that tragedy was.

Monday’s bombing in Boston reveals a new facet to this phenomena. In an effort to identify the bomber, police began actively courting anyone who had taken footage prior to the blast, as there were certainly more people holding up cell phone cameras or now-ubiquitous DSLRs than there were surveillance cameras in the area.

Bostonite Ben Levine works at a marketing and communications firm just steps away from one of the blast sites. Prior to the explosion, Ben was snapping pics of the marathon from the window circled in red below:


This is one of the photos he snapped a few hours before the blast:


Here’s the same photo after hundreds or thousands of eyeballs had pored over it:



Lacoste launches kaleidoscopic celebratory campaign

Lacoste is celebrating 80 years and its iconic L.12.12. Polo shirt in a wide-ranging, colourful campaign. Created by BETC Paris, and its BETC Luxe and BETC Digital spin-offs, the campaign encompasses outdoor, print and digital and puts the Polo shirt firmly centre-stage, with core imagery shot by fashion photographer David Sims.

In addition, the campaign includes a joyous stop-motion online video, The Saga: 80 Years of the Lacoste L.12.12.. The animation shows off the shirt through the ages, also charting Lacoste’s evolution from sporting goods to fashion brand. It uses Polo-shirts of different hues to conjure a kaleidoscopic homage to the shirt itself and various decade-defining icons such as the Rubik’s cube, psychedelia and computer game Pong.

The one-minute video, which is being shown on the main Lacoste website and in stores, was co-designed and directed by Axel Courtière and FX Pourre at UFO who used more than 250 shirts to make up the animation – see the entire video below.

Some of the references are also picked up by a campaign website that shows how the shirt has evolved since 1933. It allows visitors to play four interactive games – from attempting to solve a virtual Rubik’s cube against the clock to sorting the colours of the rainbow. The Rubik’s cube in particular is somewhat addictive, if ever frustrating.

Above: two screengrabs from the interactive online games; below: press image shot by David Sims


Executive creative director: Rémi Babinet
Creative director: Annick Teboul, Safia Bouyahia
Artistic director: Nicolas Casanova, Jean-Charles Guillet

The Saga: 80 years of the Polo L.12.12
Director UFO’s FX Pourre + Axel Courtière
Creatives : Jean-Charles Guillet, Caroline Cornu
Director of Creation : Safia Bouyahia
Director of photography : Martin Konrad
Animators : Juliette Marchand, Sylvain Derosne
Post Production :

The April print issue of CR presents the work of three young animators and animation teams to watch. Plus, we go in search of illustrator John Hanna, test out the claims of a new app to have uncovered the secrets of viral ad success and see how visual communications can both help keep us safe and help us recover in hospital

Buy your copy here.

Please note, CR now has a limited presence on the newsstand at WH Smith high street stores (although it can still be found in WH Smith travel branches at train stations and airports). If you cannot find a copy of CR in your town, your WH Smith store or a local independent newsagent can order it for you. You can search for your nearest stockist here. Alternatively, call us on 020 7970 4878, or buy a copy direct from us. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 970 4878 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

CR for the iPad
Read in-depth features and analysis plus exclusive iPad-only content in the Creative Review iPad App. Longer, more in-depth features than we run on the blog, portfolios of great, full-screen images and hi-res video. If the blog is about news, comment and debate, the iPad is about inspiration, viewing and reading. As well as providing exclusive, iPad-only content, the app will also update with new content throughout each month.

Zhangye Danxia Photography

Voici des clichés de formations rocheuses aux couleurs incroyables appelées « Zhangye Danxia », situées dans la province de Gansu en Chine. Résultant de couches de sédiments de couleurs différentes accumulées depuis plus de 20 millions d’années, ces photographies de paysages fabuleux sont à découvrir dans la suite.

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Welcome Home Timelapse

Voici « Welcome Home Timelapse », le nom de cette vidéo du photographe Michael Shainblum, de retour de la ville de San Diego aux USA. Afin de déclarer sa flamme à la ville californienne où il a grandi, ce dernier propose une vidéo montrant avec talent les plus beaux lieux en technique time-lapse.

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Ricoh GR: Testing out the sublimely capable, surprisingly minimal compact camera

Ricoh GR

Few cameras command the sort of cult attention that follows the Ricoh GR. With four digital versions to date, the fifth—announced today and simply named the GR—looks only to enshrine this status. The advanced compact category…

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The Partners draws attention to street children

The Partners has created a striking campaign to raise awareness of the plight of street children around the world.

The branding consultancy was commissioned by the Consortium for Street Children, with the goal of highlighting the issue of children that have to live on the streets, both in the developed and developing worlds, and challenge the United Nations to officially recognise International Day for Street Children.

The Home Street Home campaign crystalises the issue in a visually effective way, using giant children’s room signs, placed in rather inhospitable looking street locations across south east and east London, to draw attention to the situation many kids are in.

The campaign used images of the signs, shot by photographer Paul Grundy, in the run-up to International Day for Street Children on April 12, also placing print ads and posters in various locations in UK cities and publications, and encouraging viewers to sign a petition for official UN recognition.

On the day itself, the signs – which were created and installed by the Jack Agency – were placed in high footfall areas such as Old Street underground station to gather further support (see below).

According to Stuart Radford, creative director of The Partners, the signage was designed to be portable and “can work in guerrilla fashion so that the charity can gain maximum benefit from the material developed for the campaign”. It also allows CSC to expand the campaign to different cities, as required.

Since the call to action on April 12 the petition has attracted nearly 3,000 signatures.

Creative consultant: Nick Clark
Creative director: Stuart Radford
Designer: Jonathan Brodie
Project manager: Meghan Hagerty

Photography: Paul Grundy
Sign installation: Jack Agency

The April print issue of CR presents the work of three young animators and animation teams to watch. Plus, we go in search of illustrator John Hanna, test out the claims of a new app to have uncovered the secrets of viral ad success and see how visual communications can both help keep us safe and help us recover in hospital

Buy your copy here.

Please note, CR now has a limited presence on the newsstand at WH Smith high street stores (although it can still be found in WH Smith travel branches at train stations and airports). If you cannot find a copy of CR in your town, your WH Smith store or a local independent newsagent can order it for you. You can search for your nearest stockist here. Alternatively, call us on 020 7970 4878, or buy a copy direct from us. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 970 4878 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

CR for the iPad
Read in-depth features and analysis plus exclusive iPad-only content in the Creative Review iPad App. Longer, more in-depth features than we run on the blog, portfolios of great, full-screen images and hi-res video. If the blog is about news, comment and debate, the iPad is about inspiration, viewing and reading. As well as providing exclusive, iPad-only content, the app will also update with new content throughout each month.

New Zealand Timelapse

Equipé de son appareil Canon 5D Mark II, le réalisateur Bevan Percival nous offre une nouvelle vidéo en technique timelapse absolument magnifique, montrant les paysages splendides de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Une création à découvrir en images et en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.

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Friendship Between a Girl and Her Cat

Le photographe Andy Prokh nous propose une série de clichés adorables dans lesquels sa fille Katherine s’amuse et joue avec son chat appelé LiLu Blue Royal Lada. Avec des images en noir & blanc, l’artiste parvient à illustrer la complicité entre la fille et l’animal à travers des situations drôles & caricaturales.

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