Stockholm Furniture Fair 2011:Corentin Dombrecht’s "Megaphones" speakers


Young Belgian designer Corentin Dombrecht, showing off his work at the “101% Designed in Brussels” stand, told us that he was inspired to create his “Megaphones” speakers by the wave of protest and activism currently sweeping the globe—”just like Egypt, no?”.

So far, Corentin is producing these awesome pieces himself, but has been working hard at the fair to try and get some manufacturers interested.


More from “101% Designed in Brussels” and the rest of the fair in our gallery coming soon.

More from the Stockholm Furniture Fair
+ Charlie Heyward and Peter Bingham’s “Something” Nuts and Bolts Stool
+ oOo Design Lab’s “Book of Light”
+ SHE Studio’s “Myk” Clock
+ Clara Sjodin’s Shoe Lamp
+ Marta Mattson’s Laser-Cut Jewelry
+ Jaeuk Jung’s Amber Bottle


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