Show us your face

This little fellow comes free with every issue of this month’s CR. We’d like readers to cut him out, stick him together and give him some personality. The best effort wins a free subscription

In the December issue of CR, Gavin Lucas has written about the paper toy movement – the origami-style paper sculptures that make for a low cost, easily distributable alternative to vinyl.

To tie in with the issue, We have teamed up with Arjowiggins Creative Papers and French designer Tougui who has created a special CR toy (shown top). Between pages 26 and 27 of the issue, you will find a blank template for the toy (shown below) printed on 170g Pop Set paper.

We’d like readers to customise the toy with their own design and email a picture of the result to

You can submit as many as you like. We’ll post our favourites online and choose one lucky toy designer who will win a free one-year subscription to CR (if you are already a subscriber we will extend your current deal) plus a copy of the book Papertoy Monsters (Workman, US$16.95) by Brian Castleforte donated by PlayLounge. Please send your submissions by Friday, December 9.

To give you an idea of the possibilities, here are some by Tougui himself


Thanks to Arjowiggins Creative Papers.

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