Seymour Chwast and Friends Create Logos for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement

Ji Lee suggests a bull and chain, while Seymour Chwast tips his hat to the robber barons.

Here at UnBeige, we prefer to register our discontent through strongly yet elegantly worded letters (not even a faceless megacorporation can resist a little calligraphy!) rather than resorting to bongo drums, hastily lettered posters, and Susan Sarandon. So we’ve kept our distance from the Occupy Wall Street brouhaha, aside from firing off a letter to the protesters requesting that they kindly refrain from pillaging the exhibits at the nearby Museum of American Finance. In fact, the protesters could take a lesson from that institution, which boasts a snappy identity designed by C&G Partners. Seymour Chwast and friends to the rescue. In an op-ed published in yesterday’s New York Times, the graphic designer and illustrator rounded up six suggested logos for Occupy Wall Street, because “What is a protest movement without a logo?”

Chermayeff & Geismar suggest a bold bullseye, which also functions as the occupying “O” around a triad of letters that form “W St,” while Project Projects goes to the core of the seemingly centerless movement with an empty square encircled by letters that (kinda) spell out “Occupy All,” a sentiment taken from the poster of a protester. “Inspired by that and in solidarity with groups around the world, this square in The New York Times is now available for occupation,” note the designers. Meanwhile, we dispatched an UnBeige correspondent (who also happens to be a banker) to survey the scene downtown. “Friendly. Lots of good tattoos,” he reported this afternoon. “There are reasonable levels of frustration, nice weather. It’s like being at a music festival.”

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