Robert Seidel’s Fountain Projection is a Real-Life ‘Fantasia’


Disney’s fantasy movie “Fantasia” gave us all false hope when it comes to the magic behind composing music (and hanging out in forests in general). But we can thank artist Robert Seidel for creating the grown-up, “Fantasia”-esque installation, “Advection”—a perfect title, considering the word by definition describes “the transfer of heat or matter by the flow of a fluid, esp. horizontally in the atmosphere or the sea.” The installation is a two-channel video projection displayed on a water fountain and pond in Bad Rothenfelde, Germany.




The reflections from the resting water and the shadows from passersby add an additional layer of interactive visuals past the planned digital image. The end product is an ethereal mix of music, digital projection art and fantasy. Check out the video below to get a better feel for the project:


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