Rhode Island School of Design and CreativeMornings present: The Intersection of Arts + Technology


Coming together to recognize the magic that happens when Arts and Tech intersect, CreativeMornings has partnered up with John Maeda, President of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and their STEM to STEAM initiative (previously) to host a series of unified events around the world. This June, CreativeMornings chapters will be hosting events under one common theme: The Intersection of Arts + Technology.


With chapters in over 25 cities around the world, CreativeMornings has grown substantially in the past year and is excited to present this themed month, a first of its kind, in partnership with RISD. The topic of the Intersection of Arts + Technology resonates strongly with the STEM to STEAM initiative, which aims to foster innovation through the addition of Art and Design to STEM education and research.

The STEM to STEAM initiative looks to enact policies and collaborations that recognize and protect art and design in education. With design-focused organizations such as Kickstarter, Airbnb, and Apple revolutionizing industries and sparking innovation, art and design represent an undeniable driver of progress. With budget cuts on the rise, however, arts are often the first to be cut from education, putting at risk the next generation of creative doers and makers


“After several conversations with John Maeda, we were inspired by RISD’s STEM to STEAM initiative and we’re honored to partner with them on this new effort to recognize the vital importance of art and design in the global economy,” said Tina Roth Eisenberg, creator of CreativeMornings. “I am interested in the magic that happens when arts and technology come together, and the topic is timely and relevant for CreativeMornings’ attendees around the world.”



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