Literal Metaphor of the Week: An Artist & an Architect Inhabit a Human-Sized Hamster Wheel of Their Own Design


Sure, it sounds like a self-effacing metaphor gone off the tracks. No, there’s no punchline, and yes, it’s pretty cool. Ward Shelley and Alex Schweder are currently living and working 24 hours a day in their “architect performed building” shaped like a 25-foot hamster wheel. The two artists, who have been collaborating on large-scale installations since 2007, will inhabit “Orbit” until March 9 and o view through April 5 at The Boiler in Brooklyn.

With all necessary furniture fixed around (and often through) the huge wheel, one person maintains life on the inside while the other occupies the upper/outer part of the ring. They use tandem movement around the wheel in order to change task, whether sleeping, working or staying physically active.


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