Jell-O Mold 2011 Design Competition: Register Today!

Calling all jell-o fanatics and mold makers! Just a reminder to register today for Gowanus Studio’s third annual Jell-O Mold Design Competition. THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th!!

Designers will compete for a grand prize of $400 in cash, a year membership to the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, gifts from Papabubble, Holstee, and more! Our own Allan Chochinov, Emily Elsen of Four & Twenty Blackbirds pie shop, Josee Lepage of creative agency Bondtoo, and Keith Ozar of MakerBot Industries will announce the winners at 8pm on Saturday, June 25, 2011.

To get your excited, check out CRAFT’s wrapup from last year’s competition!


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