instagramming with Bloesem

Instagram bloesem blogs
It was the lovely Peta from LoveMae, (met her in person last week at the NYIGF) who convinced me I should start instagramming … first I thougt nnneah … but her enthousiastic words made me sign up andsuddenly it starts to grow on me and I am even enjoying it very much!

What I like best about using instagram is the fact that it gives me the oppurtunity to share things I like in my own home instantly with you… just a small snapshot is all it takes to give you an impression of my personal stuff, things I am doing during the day and more. 

It is also a bit magical because you mostly see details … you have to use your imagination to figure out the whole picture 🙂 

A couple of ways how to follow me if you wish …

go to the instagram app on your phone and find me at: Bloesem Blogs

Or visit Bloesem Blogs at the Followgram website

or use the rss feed ….

Thanks for the Follow and I hope you will enjoy my pics! ~irene xoxo

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