IDEO Labs Exquisite Corpse: The story that never ends

ideo_exquisite.pngVisual of key word and words that were not searched

With roots in the surrealist movement, IDEO Boston put together a digital experiment in storytelling at an event with Bill Moggridge. Using twitter-length sentences culled from the attendees, IDEO linked keywords from the sentences with sourced images through Flickr of the latest corresponding tagged photos posted to the site. The end result: A never-ending visual story. Check out the ever-changing site or see a static version of the first chapter after the jump.

Explains the team from IDEO:

In creating our exquisite corpse, each step of the process challenged our grasp on what makes a story “complete”. We considered:

+ The collective influence of a particular crowd: Submissions came from people with a common interest (they wanted to attend an event hosted by Bill Moggridge). Did that influence the tone/stream of the final corpse’s consciousness?
+ The power of curation: We wondered what effect curating has on crowd-sourced content. It seems that contributions solicited for a specific purpose encourage a level of similarity and richness—such as multiple perspectives on the single topic—whereas undirected, open-ended contributions lead to more free-form ideas.
+ The impact of crowd sourcing: The project left us wondering how we might use crowd-sourced visualizations in traditional stories and whether given writers exquisite direction can produce a coherent story through this model. Does the expression need to be static in order to generate meaning?
+ Not all visuals are ready for prime time: We had to apply to few filters to make sure we we’re pulling imagery suitable for the average viewer. Who knew our tags would yield more ‘adult themed imagery.’


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