Happy weekend


Officially my weekend has started, it's early Saturday moring and we have a full-house … friends and family are visiting from the Netherlands and I am enjoying having them around us. When I look back on the last week of posts on both Bloesem and BKids I feel a bit proud that so many beautiful things are being created by so many different people around the world and that Bloesem enables me to capture them al together in this online journal. I am also a bit proud that Bloesem is growing in every sense of the word … Sufiya is now a part of the Bloesem team and in two weeks time she already has done a great job updating our pinterest boards, introducing me to crafters and designers here in KL and started our new facebook fanpage…  just a week ago … thank you to all of you who pressed the LIKED button already!

Above just some random snapshots above from my instagram folder … I really enjoy this instagramming are you already on instagram?? You can follow me here and do leave a comment so I can follow you too. 


~ I wish you a wonderful weekend
and hope to see you back next week when we are going to prepare
ourselves for Halloween! ~ irene xoxo
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