Giveaway: a screen print from Yoke


Welcome Yoke, we're happy you are doing a giveaway with us!

What you can win this week :: an awesome Bish Bash Bosh screen print from Yoke!

What you have to do :: leave a comment below telling us, Mr. and Mrs. Yoke love a good Bish Bash Bosh around the kitchen and personally they enjoy nothing more than a glass of pink lemonade and a good pork pie! What's your guilty food pleasure? The more weird and wonderful the better!


Mark and Zoe, affectionately known as Mr and Mrs YOKE, illustrate and hand print on the bonnie banks of the River Tay in Scotland. You can find out more about this fantastic pair here.


GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED :: the winner is Jessa Wiles, congratulations!! If you didn't win this giveaway, do not fret because another one is happening right now.

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