FIT Seeks Design Entrepreneurs for ‘Mini MBA’

Back in the day, the not-yet-slickly-professionalized New York fashion scene “could support somebody who didn’t get into the business with a business plan and a backer,” said New York Times style scribe Guy Trebay in a recent interview. “You can no longer do that–that’s out. You better arrive with a business plan and maybe an MBA…” Enter the NYC Economic Development Corporation and the Fashion Institute of Technology, the partners behind Design Entrepreneurs NYC, an intensive, classroom-style, and FREE “mini-MBA” program. Fashion designers whose businesses are based in one of NYC’s five boroughs and have been open for at least one year are eligible to apply for the program, which includes weekend courses on fashion business marketing, operations, and financial management, and culminates in a business plan honed by feedback from industry pros. Applications, available here, are due by March 31.

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