Epica 2011 grand prix winners

In this year’s Epica Awards (which CR helped to judge last week in Paris), UK agency Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R scooped the outdoor grand prix for its Land Rover Defender Passport Stamps poster, while Swiss agency Spillman/Felser/Leo Burnett won an Epica d’Or for its clever copy campaign for Swiss Life, and Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam won top film honours for its Open Your World campaign for Heineken…

Germany came out as the most awarded country with a whopping 89 awards, including 15 category winners. The UK had a very respectable 37 awards, including seven winners and the outdoor Epica d’Or (shown below)

Here is one of the Swiss Life print ads that all featured copy that twisted from one sentiment to another, demonstrating that Swiss Life understand life’s twists and turns:

For all you award statisticians out there, Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg was the most successful entrant (for the second year running) with 18 awards, including two winners. And both Y&R and Wieden + Kennedy shared the top network honours, both with five winners from two countries and an Epica d’Or each.

Here are the two Heineken spots that comprised the Epica D’Or winning film campaign. It should be noted that this campaign only just pipped the same agency’s Write The Future spot for Nike by just one vote:

The Entrance

The Date

To view the full list of results, visit epica-awards.com



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