End of the week and giveaway!

You are awesome Bloesem readers. Another great week with DIY Christmas Streamers, some beautiful stationary and home decoration ideas. But most importantly we launched our new Bloesem column ' The Props Corner' with wool store Scaapi. Click here if you missed our post.


It's Friday Giveaway again, trying to celebrate these last couple weeks before Christmas with the joy of giving away!

What you will win :: One of these letterpress prints of your choice by La Farme. Wrap it up as a gift or frame it up to a wall to add some positive energy in a room. I love that idea.

Go to our pinterest page here and take part in this giveaway. It's as easy as 1,2,3…

Happy Holidays everybody!

 Irene and Sufiya


..Bloesem giveaways on Pinterest

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