Designer on a Sci-Fi Mission: Daryl Villanueva's EVE Odyssey

I love to see designers that are on a mission. One such person is Daryl Villanueva, the founder and Chief of Design of vehicle manufacturer Bandit9. Check out their wild-looking EVE Odyssey bike, a brushed-aluminum model. It’s got a 125cc engine that gets a staggering 156 mpg.

As for where the aesthetics come from:

“Bandit9 was born out of frustration,” Villaneuva writes. “I’m the kind of guy that dreams of worlds depicted in science fiction films and comic books. I noticed what was on the street was a far cry from what we are capable of…. Where is the ingenuity, the pioneering spirit, the boldness?”

“Someone needed to look after the future. So I started a motorcycle company that focused on what could be rather than what was. Are we so arrogant to say that it is us that will alter the course of the industry? No, not at all. We do, however, believe we can inspire someone out there who can change the future.”

“The only difference between fact and fiction is time.”

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