Design Assembly: the book of the site

After three years of publishing, the Design Assembly website has closed but a selection of its finer moments have been preserved by founder Matt Judge in 3, an innovative three-part book that also features specially-commissioned essays from various design luminaries

The book comes in three colour-coded sections. The first, in green, pays tribute to the various Design Assembly contributors and explains the story behind the site.

The second, red, section features contributions from various design industry figures on the themes of Design Discourse, Inspiration and Good Design. Design Discourse includes essays from CR’s Patrick Burgoyne on the tricky issues around online comments and Grafik’s Caroline Roberts on the future of design publishing plus pieces from Jonathan Ellery, Christopher Doyle and this rather neat summary of the changes technology has brought to the design process by Michael C Place.


In the Inspiration section, various designers choose pieces or people who have inspired them


There is also a Showcase section

Finally, the Blue book, the largest of the three, features a selection of notable Design Assembly posts and comments

All the profits from sales of the book will be split between three charities, Cancer Research UK, Livestrong and WCRF International.

Books cost £35 but there is also a special edition with a Paul Davis print on the theme of three, for £80. Details here


CR in Print

If you only read CR online, you’re missing out. The January issue of Creative Review is a music special with features on festivals, the future of the music video and much much more. Plus it comes with its very own soundtrack for you to listen to while reading the magazine.

If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK, you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

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