Dehumidifier Planter Pyramid

All it takes is a quick image search to find out just how UGLY dehumidifiers are. For whatever reason, they’re just one of those objects that haven’t gotten around to being aesthetically in check. This concept aims to make the device less offensive by redesigning the shape into a unique pyramid shape that not only collects water, but distributes it to the soil in an integrated planter. It’s a nice looking, modern and multifunctional alternative to those outdated designs.

The very top cutout on the peak of the pyramid is for atmospheric air intake, the humid air is condensed and the perfectly clean water is digitally distributed to some corresponding plant in the planter, with the remaining water dumped into the excess/reserve drawer container. The cool air then gets blown out back into the room via the horizontal slats on the pyramid body.

The knob is designed to work ergonomically, with an analog feel and progressive power control. The actual knob itself is constructed out of frosted clear thermoplastic, and when the dehumidifier is on and working, a bright green LED will illuminate the knob and matching plastic meter needle. Conversely, when the dehumidifier requires attention, like when the excess/reserve water container is full, the knob will light up bright red.

At the bottom backside of the dehumidifier one will find the bin where all the excess/reserve water goes. In the middle of the drawer is a clear plastic panel so the user can clearly see how full the bin is, and whether or not it needs to be emptied. The dehumidifier will shut off when the reserve drawer is full of water, which will be capable of then slowly siphoning off its contents to the thirsty plant while the user is away or unable to empty the tray. The handle for the drawer is hidden on the middle underside of the pan, where an ergonomic hand indentation acts as a holder to pull out the drawer and aid in its emptying.

Designer: Adam Malone

Yanko Design
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(Dehumidifier Planter Pyramid was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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