Cosplay Series Photography

Le photographe autrichien Klaus Pichler nous propose avec cette série Just the Two of Us les coulisses de la création de cosplays, montrant des personnes déguisés en différents héros de fictions dans leur cadre quotidien. Des clichés réussis à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013
Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

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