Core77 Weekly Roundup (9-9-24 to 9-13-24)

Here’s what we looked at this week:

Form follows function: The Evolv, a minimalist electric delivery vehicle by Astheimer Design.

Opinion: Making dumbbells “smart” is dumb. Here’s a misguided use of technology to improve UX.

From craftsy to designey bird feeders.

An industrial designer with a sore throat gets a product idea.

Four Cargo is ID student Fabien Otto’s concept for a high-capacity autonomous cargo hauling system.

Michigan’s winning image for an “I Voted” sticker: A jacked werewolf, penned by a pre-teen.

Cat-friendly furniture concepts. (If your cat never pukes, these’ll work great.)

The European Space Agency has successfully 3D printed with metal in space.

A thoughtful trucker tries to design a safer bike light.

Extreme space saving: Two architects designed a 74-square-foot apartment for themselves.

“Silent Tires” for EVs.

An AI-driven Industrial Design database, for searching registered designs.

Huawei has unveiled a tri-folding smartphone that expands to tablet size.

Industrial design case study: Pensa updates Zero Halliburton’s classic aluminum suitcases.

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