Core77 Design Award 2011: Thrive Portion Ware, Student Notable for Design for Social Impact


Over the next months we will be highlighting award-winning projects and ideas from this year’s Core77 Design Awards! For full details on the project, jury commenting and more information about the awards program, go to


Sally Ng Head Shot.jpgDesigner: Sally Ng
Location: San Francisco, California, USA
Category: Design for Social Impact
Award: Student Notable

Thrive Portion Ware

Thrive Portion Ware consists of a cup and set of plates designed to help reduce food intake by 20% and help people develop the habit of consciously eating less. Plate tips if food is placed on raised area. Words on back are seen when users approach dish rack.

I know obesity is a huge multifaceted issue that isn’t going to have one nice neat solution. There isn’t going to be one. I ran into many circles and much frustration focusing too much on a specific age group and its needs. I focused on children, teens, young adults, adults; cycling through each one repeatedly. At the end of it, the best approach was the simplest one, to remake a familiar object people can easily use. I did not want it to be a fad consumer object promising easy miracles, only to be abandoned a few months later once the novelty wore off. I want it to be a product used repeatedly and easily where it will eventually have a positive psychological effect on people’s eating habits. Thrive Portion Ware works as a catalyst for that bigger change by helping people accustom to consuming less first.


Core77: What’s the latest news or development with your project?

I am finishing up the patenting process and working on a website for the project.

What is 1 quick anecdote about your project?

I had to stand back and honestly ask myself if I would ever use it throughout the whole research and design process. 124981491251 hours and an x amount of critics later, the answer was yes.

Read on for full details on the project and jury comments.






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