Core77 Design Award 2011: Senseables, Student Winner for Strategy/Research


Over the next months we will be highlighting award-winning projects and ideas from this year’s Core77 Design Awards! For full details on the project, jury commenting and more information about the awards program, go to


Duffy_Headshot.jpgDesigner: Hannah Duffy
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Category: Strategy/Research
Award: Student Winner


Senseables, an outerwear and footwear solution addressing the needs of children with autism through touch sensitivity, learning tools for independence, and style and peer acceptance.

The problem I set out to solve was how to improve the daily life routine for children with autism. What inspired me to choose this topic, was hearing my Aunt Toni talk about my 7-year old cousin, Liam, and his challenges with autism. The next week I was listening to the news and heard how over 1 in 110 children in the United States has autism. I knew this was a sign that I had found my opportunity; I wanted to better the lives of children with autism through design. I knew this topic would be challenging, provide a social and large impact, would be rewarding, and of course would require in-depth primary and secondary research. I was ecstatic to finally work on something that meant something to me and would prove to have a purpose in the world.


Core77: How did you learn that you had been recognized by the jury?

The morning the Core 77 Design Award Strategy/Research category
aired I watched it streaming live from Italy. I was so ecstatic to
hear them announce my project and name as a winner that I almost
didn’t believe it. I immediately ran and told family and friends; it
was a great moment!

What’s the latest news or development with your project?

I am currently revisiting my senior thesis project, Senseables; I
am eager to perfect both my footwear and outerwear designs. I am
interested in manufacturing my products one day in hopes to obtain my
ultimate goal of actually improving the self worth of children with

What is one quick anecdote about your project?

My favorite memory of working on my project, was when I
implemented the Sticky Manifesto, a design research analysis method
using hundreds of sticky notes, all over my dorm room walls.

Read on for full details on the project and jury comments.



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