Cooper-Hewitt Announces 2013 National Design Award Winners

NDA_logo.jpgThe jury has spoken, and the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum has just announced the winners of the 2013 National Design Awards. We’ll take a closer look at the honorees in the days to come, but in the meantime, here is the full list of winners who will be celebrated on October 17 at a gala dinner at Pier Sixty in New York.

Lifetime Achievement: James Wines

Design Mind: Michael Sorkin

Corporate and Institutional Achievement: TED

Architecture Design: Studio Gang Architects

Communication Design: Paula Scher

Fashion Design: Behnaz Sarafpour

Interaction Design: Local Projects

Interior Design: Aidlin Darling Design

Landscape Design: Margie Ruddick

Product Design: NewDealDesign

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