Celebrating and giving away …

Giveaway bloesem chronicle

To end a very productive week here on Bloesem and to celebrate our new facebook fan page we would like to end this week with a special giveaway designed by Wendy Addison. Themed the ‘Theatre of Dreams,’ it is definitely a
dream giveaway. Wendy’s beautiful and detail designs with a vintage feel to it wins hearts. Especially Sufiya's, who grew up with a fine art background. What we like most about the garland is how Wendy designed the Typography. Its simple, and would fit at weddings or birthdays and yet its detailed enough to give character to a room.

The garland is not the only item you can win… the Theatre of Dreams Journal with hard cover scalloped cut book with a ribbon marker can also be yours … So you can win two pieces: journal + garland box if you head over to our new Fan page on facebook and find out what you have to do… simple I promise!



A special thanks to chronicle books, who send us the items and we are very happy to pass them on to one of you …


..Garland box + Journal Giveaway 

..Bloesem's fan page on facebook … we hope you will LIKE us! Happy Weekend! ~ irene xoxo

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