Build creates Wordplay for Nokia

Design studio Build has designed a series of prints and postcards to celebrate and promote the fact that Nokia’s Pure typeface, designed by Dalton Maag, is available in no fewer than thirteen different language versions…

The project, entitled Wordplay, sees a host of characters from the typeface’s different language sets used to create illustrations “based around pangrams and phrases that are familiar, funny, silly and thoughtful,” Build tell us.

Build has created a series of 13 postcards (bound together with a rubber band, as above) and also a set of 13 posters, each created in editions of just 20, plus an animated film. Here’s a look at the work – look out for a fox jumping over a lazy dog!

And here is a look at some of the posters, which come packaged as above:

Build is currently running a competition to win one of the 20 poster and postcard sets. Full details of how to enter can be found at

Wordplay from Build on Vimeo.

Design and art direction: Build.
Animation: Jimi Newport, Nick Appleton
Original music: J-VEN.

Read our post from this time last year about the launch of Nokia Pure typeface here


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