Bloesem Creative Space

BloesemLAB | Singapore Tiong Bahru

Perhaps you wonder why I am sharing an instagram collage like this today … well I wanted to give you a sneak peek of the new BloesemLAB … my new to open studio / shop / workshop space in Singapore … or to be more precise in Tiong Bahru.

It is the best Christmas gift a girl like me could wish for. After having worked from home for almost 10 years it was about time to move out!

And Singapore being as wonderful as it is I started searching for the perfect location … one thing was for sure it had to be in the funky neighborhood Tiong Bahru. Luckily we found something pretty fast. Construction and renovation were done during the last couple of weeks and now it’s time to start the fun part … Decorating!

Zara and I will keep you posted via our instagram feeds just like we did before!


.. Zaara S.  on instagram
.. Bloesem on instagram 


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