Beat Match: table tennis as AV experience

For his graduation project from Forsbergs School of Design & Advertising in Stockholm, David Rinman has turned a table tennis table into an audiovisual experiment, with graphics triggered by the bouncing ball

As Rinman explains, Beat Match is  “a table tennis game converted into a collaborative experiment that allows you to control music and graphics through playing. Both sound and image follow the tempo and rhythm the players have at the moment. If you miss the ball the music stops. The challenge is to keep a steady beat for as long as possible to create a cohesive composition.”

Here it is in action:


In a very impressive portfolio (here) Rinman also has this project – a joint response to a brief to promote one of Google’s services.

Concept & Art Direction: Jacob Björdal, David Rinman and Isaac Bonnier.
Concept & Copywriting: Jim Nilsson


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