App to the Future: Register Today + Design Boot Camp

App to the Future Design Challenge

And we’re back…from the future. App to the Future that is. Core77 and Windows Phone have teamed up once again to challenge people around the world to design an app for Windows Phone 8!

Design an app that helps you create, connect or delight your future self. Although our contest opens up December 13th, you can REGISTER NOW and get an ideas warmup and a jump on the competition by watching the Design Boot Camp video series.


Through Design Boot Camp you can learn from former Windows Phone Design Integration Lead Jared Potter about Windows Phone philosophy, inspiration and the visuals that comprise the Windows Phone design language. Ready your ideas for our special Lighting Design Reviews where you can receive valuable feedback from experienced Windows Phone 8 interface designers before submitting an entry. Take a look at our five winners from last year’s Fast Track to the Mobile App productivity design challenge to get inspired.

Now you can change the future…with our App to the Future Design Challenge. REGISTER TODAY!



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