Ai Weiwei: @Large: The Chinese artist's expansive exhibit on Alcatraz explores political dissidence and pays homage to activists around the world

Ai Weiwei: @Large

The throng arrived early and in large groups for the first departure of the day to Alcatraz Island from Pier 33 in San Francisco. After ferry-goers disembarked boat, it was clear who was there to see political dissident Ai Weiwei’s new show,…

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Black Weirdos Meets Twin Peaks for A/W 14: From the Black Lodge's zig-zag floor to Killer BOB, plenty of Lynchian inspiration in this Japanese label's collection

Black Weirdos Meets Twin Peaks for A/W 14

For their A/W 2014 collection, Japanese label Black Weirdos has gone deep into Ghostwood Forest. The delightfully odd menswear brand has created a line that is inspired by all things Twin Peaks—no doubt scaring and thrilling…

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Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR

Le célèbre artiste JR a rassemblé pour Madame Figaro une troupe de quarante danseurs qu’il a photographié à 56m au dessus du sol, sur le toit de l’opéra Garnier à Paris. Tous vêtus de justaucorps à pois noir et blanc dégradés, danseurs et danseuses ont joué le jeu et donné vie à ce projet audacieux.

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Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR-13
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Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR-6
Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR-5
Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR-4
Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR-3
Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR-2
Rooftop Dancers in Paris by JR-1

Digital Art by Kyuin Shim

Le jeune artiste sud-coréen Kyuin Shim, basé à Séoul, est spécialisé dans l’art numérique. Il crée d’incroyables sculptures digitales : des oeuvres abstraites et étranges mettant en scène des corps nus noirs ou blancs qui ont toujours l’air de se déverser. Une sélection de ses oeuvres est disponible en images.


Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad

L’artiste espagnol Jaime Sanjuan Ocabo utilise son iPad pour réaliser ces incroyables peintures. À l’aide d’une application de croquis, l’artiste dessine les esquisses et applique la couleur avec son doigt. Une série composée de portraits et de natures mortes digitales ainsi que des étapes de réalisation sont à découvrir dans la galerie.

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Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-12
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-11
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-10
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-9
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-8
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-7
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-6
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-5
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-4
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-3
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-2
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-1B
Hyperrealist Paintings With iPad-1

Help the World Get Ready as a Color and Materials Designer for Remington Products

Work for Remington Products

Do you like getting ready? Or maybe just inspiring others to? Remington Products is looking for an experienced Color, Materials, and Finishes expert to join their award winning creative team in their new global headquarters building in Madison, Wisconsin. (Consistently ranked in the top 10 cities to live!) As the Senior CMF designer, you will be helping to develop their extensive line of personal care products: from strategy to concept to implementation.

Your story telling skills will dazzle their regional stakeholders and inspire their confidence in your design expertise. Their multiple product offerings and quick development times will keep things challenging and fresh. And your 5+ years of experience (preferably in consumer products) and unbeatable skill at trend interpretation, color palette definition, and inspired product specifications will get you recognized and hired. Apply Now.

$(function() { $(“#a20140929”).jobWidget({ amount_of_jobs: 5, specialty: “Engineering, 3D modeling” }); });

Fascinating Old-School Interface Design Education: How We Used Telephones Before Dials Were Invented, and How We Learned to Switch Over


If you want to call your friend Jim, you can say “Call Jim” into your phone and it dials him. Five years ago you’d click on the name “Jim” in your phone and it would dial him. Twenty-five years ago, you’d call Jim by punching his number into a touch-tone phone. Fifty years ago you’d dial Jim’s number on a rotary dial.

Before that is where it gets interesting.

Sixty years ago, you’d lift your telephone receiver and be met with silence. (There was no such thing as “dial tone” yet.) You’d tap the hang-up mechanism a few times and an operator—an actual human being sitting in a room waiting for just this moment—would come on the line. You’d then say “Please connect me to [two-letter district code followed by five-digit phone number].” The operator would then plug freaking wires into a switchboard and connect you to Jim.

So when Bell Systems started incorporating this amazing new interface called a “rotary dial” into their telephones, they needed to show consumers how to use them. Watch and be amazed:


2015 Can-Am Spyder F3

BRP presents Can-Am’s 2015 Spyder F3, is a three-wheeled motorcycles has a..(Read…)

Plaid – Matin Lunaire

« Matin Lunaire » c’est l’histoire d’une jeune femme qui s’éveille dans un univers céleste et suave. Mais soudain, le décor change, le jour devient nuit et la lune éclaire. Entre rêve et réalité, la jeune femme découvre un univers parsemé de néons colorés et de formes kaléidoscopiques sur une composition sonore signée Plaid. Une vidéo réalisée par Clément Oberto, à découvrir dans la suite.

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Diatoms Patterns

L’artiste anglais Klaus Kemp a réalisé une série de plusieurs espèces de diatomées capturées au microscope et assemblées de manière à créer de très belles oeuvres harmonieuses. Les diatomées sont des micro-algues présentes dans tous les milieux marins. Quand l’art et la science se rencontrent, à découvrir en photos et dans une vidéo de Matthew Killip.
