Our Favorite Beauty Products… From Seventh Grade!

imageWe were randomly surfing around Hot Topic the other day (What? Shut up.) when we stumbled across perhaps the greatest cosmetic product EVER MANUFACTURED: Twilight Edward Body Shimmer. OK, we’d make fun, but we were also young once. We also had crushes on fake boys, and we also slathered ourselves with some seriously frightening beauty products. (Hey, if they’d made Holden Caulfield Coconut Body Splash, we probably would have bought a case.) Let us take you back to seventh grade, when it was cool to smell like Dippity Do, cherry air freshener and Mall.

* White Eyeliner and Mascara
What did white eyeliner say, exactly? I’m being medicated for pinkeye? This Liquid Papr-for-eyes look was like typo correction… for your face.

*Urban Decay Eyeshadow
“ARGH! I’m so full of rage! I will express it by wearing makeup colors called ‘Dumpster’ and ‘Afterbirth’!” God, we were edgy.

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