Must-See Videos: Dustin McLean’s Ad-Hoc Modelmaking Skillz Go Shot-for-Shot with Iron Man 3



Here’s an amazing feat of ad-hoc modelmaking and creative resourcefulness: Filmmaker/animator Dustin McLean and his crew decided they’d reproduce the trailer for Iron Man 3, shot-for-shot, preserving visual fidelity without using any special effects. First off, let’s look at the original trailer:

Now ask yourself, how would you reproduce some of those scenes—the exploding gallery of suits, the building crashing into the ocean, the underwater footage—using commonly-available goods? Let’s look at how McLean and co. pulled it off, entirely in-camera, without dipping into the CG well. (And you have to love how they reproduced the soundtrack.)

It’s even more impressive when you view the trailers side by side:


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