Bloesem 2008-12-08 04:56:51
Posted in: Uncategorized
Jennifer Causey‘s handmade decoration tip …
It is easy to create a beautiful garland with simple objects from nature. These sunprints are easy to make. Sunprint kits are available to purchase from The Curiosity Shoppe. To make a sunprint, simply take a sheet of the special coated paper and place it on a sunny windowsill. Place an object on top of the sheet to create an image. You can choose leaves, twigs, ornaments, or anything you like. It is fun to experiment and see what you get. You just leave them in the sun for about 10 minutes, until the blue paper turns white….
…then, run them under cold water and let them dry. You will end up with a beautiful white image on a blue background. You can hang them in a windowsill, door way, or on a wall. If the paper curls, just iron it for a few seconds. They are really easy and a fun idea to do make with kids.
* * * Jennifer Causey
* * * Simply Photo
* * * Photobird
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