Homemade is Best for IKEA

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Swedish furniture and homeware brand IKEA have released this 140-page cookbook without any words.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Called Homemade is Best, the project was a collaboration between art directors Staffan Lamm and Christoffer Persson, stylist Evelina Bratell photographer Carl Kleiner, copywriter Fredrik Jansson and creative agency Forsman & Bodenfors.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The book contains 30 Swedish recipes for cakes and biscuits.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

It is purely graphical with photos of ingredients laid out in a style inspired by Japanese minimalism, followed by photography of the completed cake.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

All photographs are by Carl Kleiner.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Here’s some more from IKEA:


We wanted to ensure a connection between IKEA’s kitchen appliances and one of the best things you can do in a kitchen, some great baking.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

So the main attraction in the campaign became a 140 page coffee-table baking book presented in a very visually unique and spectacular way.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

90% of all the photographs taken in baking books look extremly alike.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

We wanted to try something different and present the recipes in a totally new fashion.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

We let ourselves be inspired by high fashion and japanese minimalism.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The idea of the book became to tone down the actual cake and put the ingredients in focus.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The recipes are presented as graphic still-life portraits on a warm and colourful stage.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

And when you turn the page you see the fantastic result.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The baking book contains 30 classic swedish baking recipes everything from small biscuits to large cakes.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Client: IKEA, Joel Idén
Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors, Sweden
Art director: Staffan Lamm, Christoffer Persson
Copywriter: Fredrik Jansson, Anders Hegerfors
Account director: Susanna Fagring
Account manager: Ewa Edlund
Retouch: Factory, Henrik Lagerberg
Photographer: Carl Kleiner
Stylist: Evelina Bratell

Homemade is Best by IKEA

See also:


Ikea PS Collection
in Milan
Well Done: a food company
annual report
All our book

Payday Splurge (Everything Under $100)!

imageThese weeks seem to be just whizzing by and sometimes it’s like we don’t even have a chance to stop and catch our breath! With the weekend now upon us, it’s a good time to de-stress with a little therapy. Retail therapy, that is! For all your hard work, you deserve a break and we believe in treating yourself! So we’ve gathered five must-have items that we’d love to see in our own closets and hope you find them as lust-worthy as we do! And to make the weekend even more fun, every pick is $100 or less!

NY & Co. – Leopard Ombre Scarf, $12.00

Butter London Nail Lacquer – Tea With The Queen, $14.00

Gorjana – Paxton Cuff Ring, $92.00

Blink – Bright Studded Top Ankle Boots, $42.00

Topshop – Leather Crossbody Pouch, $60.00

New York Plans for 250,000+ Street Sign Redesigns

Starting off a bit light this morning, just to ease you into the day. In what seems like a move designed by the government solely to provoke those who complain about wasteful spending and in turn get those who might see it as a good move yelling back at them, the Federal Highway Administration has announced that, per last year’s changes in their Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, they will be replacing every street sign throughout New York City, moving from upper-case to lower-case. The NY Post reports that changing each of the more than 250,000 signs, at $110/per, will “cost the state $27.6 million.” The change is being made after studies had found that drivers couldn’t read as well in all-caps as they’re able to in lower-case. While apparently the city fought the new plan, they backed down once the government agreed to give them until 2018 to get it all done. Crews have been working on the replacements since the spring, but apparently someone just recently noticed and now it’s a big to-do (well, to everyone but Mayor Bloomberg). We’re entirely grateful for the whole business, because it resulted in us finally seeing the website for the New York division of the Federal Highway Administration. If you want lens flare and a transparent Statue of Liberty just hanging out at a weird angle over Albany, here’s the site for you.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Fabulous Fall Coats for Under $100!

imageMy all time favorite thing about cold weather is bundling up in a cute jacket! I have more coats than I’ll ever need sitting in my closet, and every time I go shopping I’m still drawn to the outerwear section. It’s like my shopping kryptonite! Of course, though, since Fall is once again making its appearance, it’s only fitting to put together a list of awesome coats for totally affordable prices. With a range of jackets that will be great no matter what kind of style you gravitate towards that are all super cute and sexy, we’ve got you covered! Yes, jackets can get pricey, but you don’t need to spend loads of money to find the perfect on for you this Autumn season! You can now save that extra cash for a rainy day! Take a look at the slideshow for some great ideas on how to look fabulous this Fall without breaking the bank!

view slideshow

Think.Side No.5

Per questa settimana è tutto, chiudo con la pregiata rubrica Think.Side curata dal nostro guru Flavio. Io mi preparo per pedalare tutto il week end in quel dell’ Eroica. Vi farò vedere le foto report, easy. Have a nice week end,
– Luca –


Vampire Weekend

Una band di cui si sentiva parlare bene nei sobborghi dell’indie americano, il primo disco li ha lanciati in orbita (credo) ovunque, meritatamente aggiungo (quanto era bella ‘oxford comma’?).
Insomma erano diventati oggetto delle più esilaranti battaglie fra nerd del globo tra chi li definiva dei geni chi li voleva sciogliere nell’acido.
Io li vedo come un gruppo di spessore che fa del pop contaminato con suoni afro, caraibici, reggae e ska un punto di forza.
Contra già dalla copertina mi ha catturato, quella ragazza in polo Ralph Lauren è la giusta presentazione per quel gioiello pop che è ‘cousins’, frizzante come le chitarre che ne caratterizzano il suono.
Stamattina mentre pensavo a cosa dire su questo disco continuavo a canticchiare il ritornello di ‘horchata’: armoniosa e di ampio respiro, ti entra nella testa e non ne esce più.
E’ questo il punto focale, quando una band pop compone una serie di pezzi che continui a canticchiare vuol dire che ha fatto bingo, obbiettivo centrato. Iniziare la giornata con il pop di Ezra Koenig & co. è tipo la sigaretta dopo il caffè, insomma qualcosa che rimanda a quei piccoli gesti che ti fanno provare piacere.

VIDEO ‘Cousins’


These New Puritans

Arrivano dall’Essex, sono giunti fin qui per regalarci un album che potrebbe essere definito ‘all hits’ per quanto è compiuto e raffinato. Jack Barnett ha un gusto nel creare atmosfere ’stranianti’ che ti vien quasi voglia di fargli un monumento!
Sin dall’iniziale-strumentale ‘time xone’ che lascia quel sapore di una certa classica del ‘900 per passare poi in serie ai quattro pezzi successivi, che possono farti capottare ovunque ti trovi.
Quasi mi vien voglia di implorarvi: vi prego ascoltate il rumore di coltelli in ‘We Want War’, il beat industrial di ‘Attack Music’, la semplice armonia di ‘Hologram’.
I These New Puritans hanno il dono di partire con una base di rock-wave ispirato al quale uniscono certe ritmiche electro e di musica classica con risultati eccelsi; ci troviamo di fronte un album che ti fa passare la voglia di skippare qualsiasi pezzo in esso contenuto. Se poi vi volete davvero bene ripescate il disco che è venuto prima, si intitola ‘Beat Pyramid’.



Quando penso ai Liars mi scappa una risata, sono dei matti veri!
Li avete mai visti sul palco? Soprattutto quello svitato di Angus? Ammirazione sconfinata.
Il terzetto newyorkese torna alle origini di un suono ‘primitivo’ con questo nuovo lavoro, se nel precedente avevano usato sonorità di facile presa qui tornano al sabba spingendosi verso scenari maledetti, allucinati, deviati.
Non è facile entrare in questo territorio, la stessa ’scissor’ ne è un’esempio lampante: ‘claustrofobica’ con organo hammond che scompare improvvisamente per scaraventarci addosso quelle chitarre devastanti, meraviglia! Hanno deciso di dipingere scenari desolati come in ‘Scarecrow On A Killer Slant’ dove sentirete gli echi in acido dei Jesus and Mary Chain, se non vi basta e pensate di essere dei duri sparatevi quel pezzo colossale intitolato ‘Goodnight Everything’ un’assalto frontale sotto tutti i punti di vista, è come ascoltare una melodia classica rivisitata in salsa punk.
Mi viene quasi voglia di pensare più alla parola ‘arte’ che alla parola ‘musica’ quando penso ai Liars, comunque ci troviamo di fronte qualcosa di incendiario e deflagrante.
Una botta di vita!

VIDEO ‘Scissor’

Core-Toon: Bike Locks Are Boring

pimg alt=”Boring_468.jpg” src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/Boring_468.jpg” width=”468″ height=”624″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pArtist: a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/lunchbreath/”lunchbreath/abr /
More: a href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/cartoons/default.asp”View all cartoons/a/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/cartoons/core-toon_bike_locks_are_boring_17543.asp”(more…)/a
pa href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RMjbbfYxCnklwc3V2Zw8H5rdGXA/0/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RMjbbfYxCnklwc3V2Zw8H5rdGXA/0/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RMjbbfYxCnklwc3V2Zw8H5rdGXA/1/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RMjbbfYxCnklwc3V2Zw8H5rdGXA/1/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

Hand-knit Pigeon

Questo ‘adorabilepiccione cucito a maglia lo trovate qui.

Hand-knit Pigeon

Hand-knit Pigeon

Hand-knit Pigeon

Esquire’s Big Black Book Fall

E’ uscito il BBB di Esquire con tutto il meglio della Fall 2010. Target alto, 30/40, gentlemanly style!

Esquire’s Big Black Book Fall 2010

If These Old Hands Could Speak


Cycling Stereo Cassette

Chissà se questa perla la farebbero passare all’Eroica…forse la vedrei meglio alla BFF. Ad ogni modo il Kentaro e MF mi ha risollevato la giornata!

Cycling Stereo Cassette

Cycling Stereo Cassette